Frequently asked questions


Q.  What is a consultation and why do I need one?

A.  A consultation will take approximately 45 minutes and cost £25.00. All relevant information will be taken, for example medical history, medication, previous treatments etc. A treatment plan will be discussed. Pre and post treatment advice given. Free aftercare is provided including all information required to look after the area post treatment. Discussion on hair growth and different methods of electrolysis that will be tailor made for each client. A patch test using different methods of electrolysis to see which method suits each client. At least 3 days hair growth, in the area that is to be treated must be left so the patch test can be done successfully.
A consultation must be done for each client even if they have previously had electrolysis done elsewhere.


Q.  Is electrolysis permanent?

A.  Electrolysis is the only method of hair removal that is permanent, it is a course of treatments.The hair becomes finer and finer, taking longer between sessions to grow back.
It requires skill and experience by a professional practitioner. Usually from a recognised body like the British Institute and Association of Electrolysis.


Q.  How does electrolysis work?
A.   A very fine probe about the size of an eyelash is inserted into the follicle, a small amount of current is applied at the base of the follicle. You will feel a small amount of heat and a tingling sensation.The hair is then removed from the follicle without traction.


Q.   What methods of electrolysis are there?
A.   There are three methods of electrolysis.
Galvanic which was the first method used in 1875 by Dr Charles Michel for removing ingrowing eyelashes.
Galvanic produces a chemical reaction called sodium hydroxide or lye.
Thermolysis/short wave diathermy this method produces heat. Flash is another option with this method.

Blend method is a combination of both currents. 
On the consultation all methods will be used to see which method suits and feels the most comfortable,  which one removes the hair without any traction and creates less trauma to the skin.


Q.  Is Electrolysis painful?

A.  Each person's pain threshold is different, dependant on area and skin sensitivity. Most clients feel a heat and a tingling sensation, which is a little uncomfortable. Each treatment can be adapted to suit each client and area. Treatment can be altered accordingly from session to session. A skilled electrolysist will review treatment on a regular basis.


Q.  Does electrolysis work on white hair?
A.  Electrolysis works on all hair colours and skin types, including white and red hair.


Q.  How long will it take before the hair has gone?
A.  This will depend on many factors:
Area that is to be treated.
Any previous treatment that has been used to remove the hair growth.
How well the skin recovers following treatment.
Type of hair i.e. whether its terminal or vellus hair.
Frequency of treatments.
Any underlying  hormonal issues.
Some medication can cause excessive hair growth.

There are many more factors.

The hair will start to come back finer and finer, it will also take longer to grow back between treatments.  This will differ between clients. Unfortunately, a definite time scale cannot be given.


Q.  How much will electrolysis cost?
A.  The current prices are shown on the price page.


Q.  What areas can be treated by electrolysis?
A.  Electrolysis can be used on all areas but it is mainly used for the face area, i.e upper lip, chin, neck, sides of the face, ears and eyebrows.
It can also be used for treatment on body hair i.e. bikini, abdomen, underarm, shoulders and back.


Q.  How can I maintain the hair growth between treatments?
A.  Use a method that will not stimulate the hair growth, such as cutting smaller areas and shaving larger areas. These methods remove the hair from the skin surface and  will not increase the hair growth.
Tweezing, waxing, epilating and threading are temporary methods of hair removal and will increase the hair growth because they have been removed from the root, therefore increasing the blood supply to the area.
If it is possible, do not remove the hair in between treatments.


Q.  How long does the hair need to be in order to treat it?
A.  The hair should be long enough to be held by tweezers so it can be removed after treatment. Once the hair has been treated, it is removed from the follicle by tweezer without any traction. It will simply slide out.
If the hair is very long, it may need to be trimmed to make it easier to work with.


Q. Is it necessary to make an appointment?
A.  Appointments are always required for all treatments.


Q. What will the skin look like after treatment?
A. The skin will be a little swollen and have slight erthema to the area treated. This will go down very  quickly. No make-up must be applied to the area for 24 to 48 hours after treatment. When treatment is done correctly there will be no scarring. Once all the hairs have been successfully treated, the skin will be smooth.



How to book

Available at:

Skin Deep

Electrolysis Clinic

115 Bent Lanes 




M41 8NZ


Tel: 07730 981812




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